My friend Andrew used to drink a lot and always isolated (孤立) himself. He was  46  and heartbroken. He felt that his life was a hopeless mess. He even told me that he was on the point of  47  hope. I couldn’t solve his problems. But during the Christmas season two years ago, I gave him a gift that I didn’t even know I had.

That Christmas Andrew had no place to go, so I  48  him home to my parents’ house in London. My parents were  49  to have him stay with us. They graciously (殷勤地) cleaned up our guest room for him and even bought him some Christmas gifts. I’ll never  50  the night when we arrived at my home. My parents were already asleep, but my mom had prepared dinner and some cookies for us and left us a  51 . My parents were known for their generosity (慷慨), so I wasn’t surprised by this warm  52 . But when Andrew read my mom’s note and saw all that she had prepared, he broke down and couldn’t help  53 . At that moment, I began to realize what a loving family meant.

From then on Andrew and I both received gifts that we would  54  forever. I gave him the gift of a warm, loving and safe place to spend Christmas, which helped him renew his interest in life. More  55  he gave me the gift of a new perspective (观点) on life. If I hadn’t shared my home with him, I wouldn’t have realized how blessed (有福的) I am.