入库时间:2024-06-02  题型:填空题  学段:初中  学科:英语收藏试题〗〖手机版
  • 第二节
  • 56阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。 〔10.0分〕
    Do you know World Letter Writing Day? It falls September 1st every year. It was setup by Richard Simpkin in 2014. He encouraged people (take) a break from today’ssocial media (媒体) and write a letter to someone by hand.
    Who should you write to? Think about a friend or relative that lives far away. A parent or best friend would also love to receive (you) letter.
    How do you write a letter? (general) speaking,a letter includes these parts. The date and a greeting (问 候语) such as “Dear…” should beat the top of the letter. A closing such as “Love” or “Yours truly” needs to follow the body. End it by (sign) it.
    Why should you pickup a pen and write a letter? It is a surprise that may make someone’s day. It’s good way to show people that you have been thinking of them. Everyone loves a personal touch. It makes (enjoy) memories (回忆). Some people save (letter) and look at them over the years.
    A recent study shows that letter writing (make) the writer happy, too. “Handwriting is your DNA. It’s your fingerprint that only you can share with others,” said Richard Simpkin.
    So,get some paper pickup a pen. Start writing a letter today!